I promise on my honour, To do my best, To do my duty, to my religion and country, To help other people at all times, and To live by the Guide Law.

A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
A Guide is loyal.
A Guide is considerate and helpful at all times.
A Guide is a sister to every other Guide.
A Guide is friendly and courteous.
A Guide is compassionate to all living things.
A Guide respects authority.
A Guide is courageous and faces all situations with understanding.
A Guide uses resources wisely.
A Guide respects herself and seeks to understand all human beings.

Be Prepared
A Guide unit is known as a Company. Each Company consists of 2-6 Patrols. Each Patrol has 6 Guides. A Company should not exceed 36 Guides in number. The Captain and Lieutenant who are adult volunteer Leaders are in charge of the Company.
A Company generally meets once a week.
The Differently Abled Girls are encouraged and given the opportunity to follow the same program as mainstream Guides program. They need to be exposed to the experience of camping. When a Guide is unable to follow a clause of the mainstream challenges, she may take the alternative as instructed.
Who can join
This Brach seeks to highlight the unique qualities and talents of people with disabilities, rather than concentrating primarily on their limitations. This Branch welcomes girls and women with a variety of disabilities, including physical, sensory, cognitive, developmental, psychiatric, and neurological. There is no age limit for the females in this branch. At the approximate ages, they are appropriate for the Little Friends Branch (6 to 14 years) and the Guide Branch (15 years and above).